Looking After Young Eyes...

The Importance of Testing Your Child's Eyes From An Early Age...

Most children have excellent sight and do not need to wear glasses.  Some children have vision testing done at school between the ages of four and five, but this will not be offered in all schools. Usually the earlier any problems are picked up the better the outcome. So, if you do have any concerns about your child's eyes, or if there is a history of squint or lazy eye in the family, do not wait for the vision screening at school, just give us a call to make an appointment.  Sight tests are free for all children under the age of sixteen and your child does not have to be able to read or talk to be tested.

We will of course be able to talk through any worries you may have and always stock leaflets for you to take away. More information regarding the problems that can be found in children's eyes can be found at... 

Your child may not be able to tell you there is a problem, but our qualified Optometrists will... Call a member of our friendly team to book an eye examination for your child.

Eye Test For a Child